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Housing code of conduct


The aiding, abetting, assisting, or attempting to aid another person in committing a violation of college policy or federal, state, or local laws is prohibited. Students who are knowingly present when a policy violation occurs and do not take meaningful steps to stop the behavior or remove themselves from the situation may be considered an accomplice. This includes withholding information regarding a violation of college policy.


The possession, storage, or consumption of alcoholic beverages on campus is prohibited. Exceptions to this rule are made for residents and guests of Transitional Living Areas who are 21 years old or older and who abide by the restrictions set forth under the subheading, Transitional Living Area Code of Conduct. Students in locations where alcohol is present will usually be considered in violation of this policy, even if not drinking or in possession of alcoholic beverages when a confrontation occurs. 

Empty alcohol containers and bars will be considered violations of the alcohol policy. The use of hard liquor will result in doubled fines. If, as a result of intoxication, students leave bodily fluids in public areas, are unable to reasonably respond to questions, or fail to comply with staff requests they will be found responsible for violating this policy, even if they did not consume alcohol on campus. 

Antennas, cable television and satellite dishes

Basic TV cable service is available in every living room in the TLAs. Students may purchase cable directly from Mediacom.


As a general rule, any appliance, with the exception of computers, rated over six amps (700 watts) is prohibited. The wattage limit for each room should not exceed eight amps or 1000 watts at any given time. Anything higher than that can blow fuses.

Major energy-consuming appliances like refrigerators, microwaves and large stereo systems are limited to one per room.  

Prohibited appliances include electric heaters, air conditioners, cooking appliances with open heating elements, halogen lamps, fog machines, deep fat fryers, large power tools, and curling irons or hair straightener without automatic shut-off mechanisms and any other appliance deemed by staff to be hazardous. Irons with automatic shut-off mechanisms are permitted but restricted to use in ironing rooms or laundry areas only. 

Students may have refrigerators in their rooms, however, only one refrigerator of 4.3 cubic feet or less per room is permitted. All refrigerators and associated power cords must carry UL approval. Refrigerators must not be self-defrosting nor self-illuminating. The refrigerator must be placed in open view and where ventilation is not restricted.

Bed lofting

Augustana partners with for all lofting needs. Students should not attempt to loft their own beds. All loft requests should be submitted to This service is provided at an additional fee.

The standard arrangement in Andreen is two lofted beds (no additional fee). The standard in Seminary is one set of bunked beds and one low bed (no additional fee). The standard arrangement in all other spaces includes low beds. Waterbeds are prohibited on campus.

Drugs and paraphernalia

Augustana complies fully with all federal, state, and municipal regulations regarding the use, cultivation, manufacture, sale, distribution and/or possession of drugs and controlled substances. These and associated actions are prohibited. Judicial action applies to:

  1. Anyone present where marijuana or other illegal drug use is evident
  2. Anyone possessing marijuana or other illegal drugs, including inappropriately acquired prescription medication, in their assigned room or in other property under their control
  3. Anyone who offers or makes arrangements to purchase, sell, accept or provide drugs to another, and
  4. Anyone whose off-campus drug use has a negative impact on the residence hall community.

Residents aware of the use, cultivation, manufacture, sale, distribution and/or possession of illegal substances are required to report this information immediately to Residential Life staff or they may be considered an accomplice.

Pipes, dugouts, hookahs, bongs, roach clips, blow tubes and any other items associated with drug use — whether or not these items are used for that purpose — are also prohibited on campus and will be confiscated upon discovery.


Students are expected to adhere to all posted safety guidelines and weight limits in campus elevators. Jumping, bouncing, or horseplay can result in elevators stopping between floors. If an elevator technician needs to be called, those responsible for causing the problem will be charged for the service call.

Environmental safety

Students are responsible for the proper disposal of personal, room, suite, apartment or house waste in the appropriate waste containers. Intentionally or negligently exposing someone to hazardous waste is strictly prohibited. Food must be stored in appropriate air-tight containers to reduce the likelihood of mold or pests in the buildings.

All bodily fluids and biological waste in public areas are potentially harmful and must be reported to Facility Services immediately. Students leaving biological hazards in public areas will be subject to disciplinary action. 

Residents who must inject medication for medical reasons (documented by a physician) must use a sharps disposal container. Those in need of a container may obtain one free of charge at the Office of Residential Life, located on the west side of Andreen Hall, during regular business hours. Disposal in regular trash receptacles is prohibited. Full containers may be returned to the Office of Residential Life and exchanged for a replacement container.

Failure to respond to emergency protocols

Emergency protocols such as fire alarms, tornado drills, and other inclement weather warnings/drills should be followed. Students found not responding to emergency protocols will result in disciplinary action. Specific instructions for different emergency situations can be found on the inside door of every room.


Fighting or assaulting another person in a residential facility is prohibited. Any action that brings physical harm to an individual is considered assault.

Fire safety

Residents are not allowed to possess any items that may be a fire safety hazard. Such items include, but are not limited to candles, incense, grills (gas or charcoal), flammable liquids, and fireworks. Wickless candles for use with candle warmers are allowed. Fire hazards will be confiscated and disciplinary action.

Students may not have a campfire on campus without first getting permission from Augustana Police and Public Safety. 

Tampering with fire alarms, fire extinguishers, sprinklers, security camera, exit signs, and emergency exit doors is a serious offense and could cause bodily harm or death if any emergency occurred and equipment was not in the intended place or condition. Fire and security equipment are in place for the safety of the community. Students are not allowed to interact with any safety equipment. Students who observe vandalism and who do not report it to Residential Life staff members may be considered an accomplice. Covering smoke detectors is prohibited.

All extension cords should be UL (Underwriters Laboratory) or ETL (Electrical Testing Laboratories) approved and must be no longer than six feet. Extension cords may not be placed across aisles, wrapped around metal fixtures or furniture, run through doorways or under carpets or bedding. If the cord is covered, heat cannot escape which could result in a fire. Worn or cracked cords are prohibited and will be confiscated on sight. Octopus plugs (multiple outlet units) are prohibited, unless they have an internal circuit breaker (surge protector).


College furnishings may not be transferred or interchanged among rooms or public areas. Public area furniture found in a resident's room will be considered stolen. College room furnishings may not be stored in residence hall storage rooms, corridors, or public areas. Room furniture found outside of student rooms will be immediately removed. Students missing college-issued furnishings at check-out will be charged the full replacement cost. For safety reasons, all loft requests must be submitted to


Gambling in any form is prohibited on campus. Such activities include but are not limited to football pools, lotteries or card games involving the exchange of money.

Harassment and hazing

Harassment and/or hazing of residents, guests, or college staff will not be tolerated. Actions defined as harassment or hazing include but are not limited to any activity that might reasonably bring embarrassment or emotional, psychological or physical harm to an individual, or that might degrade or otherwise compromise an individual's dignity. Any form of harassment or discrimination based on identity (such as race, ethnicity, gender, religion etc.) is contrary to the values of the college and is strictly prohibited. 

ID cards and keys

Identity is established by Augustana photo ID. For safety reasons, residents and guests must be able to identify themselves upon request. Augustana ID cards may not be borrowed, loaned or altered in any manner, nor may they be used by those who have graduated or withdrawn from the college. If this activity is discovered by college staff, the Augustana or guest ID will be confiscated and the guest and/or host will be subject to disciplinary action. Guests unable to identify themselves will be escorted from the residence halls. 

Students are prohibited from possessing fake ID cards on campus or for possessing ID cards belonging to someone else. 

Students are issued keys to their assigned rooms. Students may not loan room keys to anyone else or exchange keys with other students without approval from the Office of Residential Life.

Indoor and outdoor sports

Residents are not permitted to engage in any sport inside college housing. This includes but is not limited to using roller blades, skate boards, bikes, scooters, hoverboards, throwing/bouncing balls, using Frisbees or foam toys such as Nerf guns. Wrestling and rough play, water fights, shaving cream fights, or similar activities are also prohibited. Pools and slip'n'slides are not permitted in or near campus buildings. 

Insecticides and other toxic substances

Use of most insecticides and any substance considered to be toxic can affect the health and welfare or neighboring residents and are therefore not permitted. When problems with insects occur, please complete a work order online.

Internet/wi-fi equipment

Internet access, both wired and wireless, is provided by ITS-controlled equipment in each residence. Students should not attempt to modify, adjust, reprogram or add additional network equipment to the residence as this may degrade the service to others. Students are expected to report problems or dissatisfaction to ITS immediately.

Noise and quiet hours

Residents must abide by quiet and courtesy hours. Quiet hours are times when noise from stereos, televisions and conversations must not be audible in hallways, in adjoining rooms or through open windows. During courtesy hours (times when quiet hours are not in effect), residents are expected not to interfere with another individual's ability to sleep, read or study. Students asked by staff or other residents to be quiet during courtesy hours are expected to comply.

Musical instruments, stereo equipment or speakers may not be placed facing out of an open window. For special hall activities, permission must be obtained from the AC.

Floor or house residents may vote for additional quiet hours. At least 51% of all residents must vote in the affirmative for the change to be effected.

All residence halls observe quiet hours from 10 p.m. to 10 a.m. Sunday through Thursday and midnight to 10 a.m. Friday and Saturday. Courtesy hours are in effect at all times. During finals weeks, 24-hour quiet hours are observed from 12:01 a.m. on the Saturday prior to finals until 3 p.m. on the Friday of finals week.


Students are expected to cooperate immediately and fully with requests made by a college staff member carrying out the responsibilities of their position. Non-compliance includes, but is not limited to, failure to produce identification upon request, failure to respond to a disciplinary summons, and failure to complete an assigned conduct sanction. If in doubt of a person's authority, students may request their name and staff assignment.


Pets are not permitted in campus housing, with the exception of small non flesh-eating fish (in an aquarium not exceeding 10 gallons) and approved service and support animals. Aquariums are limited to one per room. In the event that a pet is discovered, students will be fined $100, plus $25 each day until the pet is removed. Any resident in violation of this policy is responsible for providing the college with proof that the pet has been relocated off campus. Fines will continue to be assessed until proof is established.

When there is evidence that animals have been abused or neglected on campus, the sanctions will be increased.

Emotional support animals are permitted after approval through the Office of Residential Life as a special housing accommodation. To gain approval, students should use the Request for Accommodation form prior to receiving their housing assignment, or as soon as they become aware of a need for an accommodation. For more information, please contact the Office of Residential Life at 309-794-2686. 

Property damage

Destroying or defacing college property or the property of other students is prohibited. Students observing acts of vandalism are asked to inform Augustana Police/Public Safety or Residential Life staff (for violations within a residence hall). Major acts of vandalism may be referred to the Rock Island Police for investigation and possible criminal charges.

Students caught destroying college property will be responsible for the repair or replacement cost of the damaged property. Students who unintentionally cause damage should report it immediately to Residential Life or Police and  Public Safety to avoid being charged.

Any destruction of college property in residence hall rooms shall be borne equally by the occupants of that room unless responsibility can be placed on one person. Any destruction of college property in public areas of residential units shall be paid for by occupants associated with the public area unless responsibility can be placed on specific individual(s).

Recording devices

Video cameras have been installed in some areas of the residence halls for security reasons. Students are prohibited from tampering with or intentionally obstructing security cameras. Students in residence hall rooms have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Recording someone in students' rooms or restrooms without their knowledge is prohibited.

Room decoration

Residents are encouraged to think of their room as home. However, please be considerate of roommate(s) when personalizing space. Belongings cannot endanger resident safety nor restrict reasonable freedom of movement. Any modifications to the room must be temporary, and fixed items, such as closet or interior doors and overhead lighting, may not be removed. To avoid any damage assessments, the room must be restored to the same or better condition before check out. 

Residents may post material on or directly outside room doors and windows provided that the posted material is deemed by the AC to be appropriate to the mission and image of Augustana (i.e. nothing pornographic, racist, sexist, homophobic or otherwise discriminating or impinging upon the dignity of others; no alcohol beverage signs; no empty alcohol containers, and no tobacco paraphernalia). College staff reserves the right to remove offensive postings and materials.


  • Carpet must not impede full closure of the door.
  • No tape, glue, permanent adhesive backing, nails or screws may be used. (Note: various hooks and hangers sold under the label "Command Adhesive" by 3M Company are easily removable if installed and removed according to instructions. These, however, can still damage paint.
  • Adhesive-backed LED strip lighting damages painted and finished surfaces and should not be attached to walls, cabinets or furniture.
  • No rewiring of rooms or modification of electrical/cable outlets, switches, or fixtures. 
  • No paneling, wallpaper, borders, or contact paper may be adhered to walls or college furnishings.
  • Neon signs are not permitted.
  • Artificial snow may not be used on windows.
  • Live trees or branches are not permitted.
  • Artificial trees must be fire-resistant.
  • Caution must be exercised when using lights on metallic trees and window or bed frames.
  • Decorative lights must be unplugged or turned off when the resident is not present and should not be hung near combustible materials.
  • Materials used to decorate doors must be fire-resistant.
  • Residents possessing street signs must provide proof of purchase or the sign will be confiscated. Campus signs found in a student's possession will be considered stolen.

Sales, solicitations and postings

Unless permission is first granted by the Office of Residential Life, canvassing or solicitation of funds, sales, memberships, subscriptions or distribution of literature is prohibited. An individual or group cannot act as a vendor or sales agent, or set up a business enterprise of any kind in residence halls or houses, except as authorized by the Office of Residential Life.

Approval to distribute election posters, information, pamphlets, literature, or permission to set up tables and chairs in the public areas of the halls must be obtained from the Office of Residential Life.

Permission to conduct food, clothing or other donation drives must be obtained from the Office of Residential Life. Coordinators must provide contact information as well as the name of the faculty/staff advisor. Daily checks are essential to assure that collection sites are clean, well-controlled and pose no safety hazards. Donated items that cause any of the aforesaid problems will be disposed of and may result in the assessment of a clean-up fee.

Individuals or groups who wish to distribute questionnaires or undertake research projects must contact the Office of Residential Life for permission. Authorization requires a written proposal submitted at least two weeks before the project begins.

Any posting not pre-approved by the Office of Student Activities or the Office of Residential Life will be removed from posting areas. All public postings should be in designated public posting areas. 

Residents may post items on or near their room doors provided that the posted material is deemed by the AC to be inoffensive and appropriate to the mission of Augustana.

Smoking and tobacco products

Smoking and vaping are prohibited on the Augustana campus. This includes cigarettes, vapes and similar products that involve the burning or vaporizing of tobacco, and similar nicotine-containing products. Additionally, smoking, vaping and use of smoke-free tobacco are not allowed in college-owned vehicles by drivers or passengers.


Stealing or possession of stolen property is prohibited. Students with knowledge of acts of theft are asked to immediately inform Augustana Police/Public Safety or Residential Life staff (for violations within a residence hall). Major acts of theft may be referred to the Rock Island Police for investigation and possible criminal charges.

Any loss of college property in residence hall rooms shall be borne equally by the occupants of that room unless responsibility can be placed on one person. Any loss of college property in public areas of residential units shall be paid for by occupants associated with the public area unless responsibility can be placed on specific individual(s).

Unauthorized access

Students are not allowed in unauthorized areas within the building, including areas that are officially closed, restricted to designated persons, or where the safety and welfare of the resident could be endangered. This includes climbing on roofs, ledges, and exterior walls. Students are also prohibited from entering another student's room without permission.

Students are not allowed to remain in the residence halls during winter break and spring break without permission from the Office of Residential Life. TLA residents may remain in their TLAs during break periods, but are not allowed to remain in their TLAs during J-term unless they are registered for a J-term course. 

Unattended personal property

Unattended property may not be left in hallways, laundry rooms, lounges or other public areas at any time. The college reserves the right to discard items left in these locations.

Visitation policy

For the purposes of this policy, a host is any Augustana student resident who is entertaining guests. A guest is any student or non-student visitor in a residence hall. Visitation hours are Sunday through Thursday 8 a.m.-midnight and 8 a.m. Friday through midnight Sunday (24-hour weekends). The Transitional Living Areas have 24-hour visitation daily.  

Overnight guests are not allowed during 24-hour quiet hours, dictated by the exam schedule.  Students can only host overnight visitors with the permission of their roommate(s). Visits are limited to 48 hours per week. If an agreement about the visit cannot be reached, the rights of the non-hosting roommate will prevail.

Students who have special permission to remain on campus during break periods may not host overnight guests on campus during breaks. 

Guests may not occupy a bed without the consent of the person to whom that bed is assigned. Guests should be met at the main entrance and be personally escorted at all times. Hosts are allowed up to three guests per visit; 15 maximum in TLA suites, apartments and houses. Hosts are responsible for ensuring that guests are aware of college policies as well as emergency and safety procedures and assume full responsibility for their guests' behaviors.

Minors (age 17 and under) must be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian or possess a note from the aforementioned permitting the campus housing visit. This includes brief visits and overnight stays. If the parent/legal guardian will not be present during the visit the host must notify their AC via email prior to the visit. This email should include the guests, name, age, and emergency contact information.


Possession, storage and/or use of any type of firearm, explosive or weapon is not permitted on campus property. This includes but is not limited to bows and arrows, steel-tipped darts, BB and air-soft guns, martial arts implements, pistols, potato and pellet guns, paintball guns, rifles, slingshots, smoke bombs, firecrackers or explosive devices of any type. Knives exceeding 4 inches in blade length OR any fixed blade knife are also prohibited. 


Screens may not be removed under any circumstances, except for emergency exit. Nothing is to be thrown or hung outside any window. Windows cannot be used as an entrance, exit or passageway.

All windows must be closed and locked during college breaks and whenever outside temperatures are low enough to result in frozen pipes. Students will be financially responsible for any damages resulting from open windows.