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Degree requirements

General Policies

2024-25 Academic Catalog

The Augustana Bachelor of Arts Degree and Bachelor of Science in Engineering are four-year programs of study, designed by the faculty, which includes the general education core and a single major. The Master of Science in Speech Language Pathology and Bachelor of Science in Engineering share the same academic policies as the Bachelor of Arts (unless noted otherwise in the catalog) but will have different degree requirements as noted on their degree pages and detailed major requirements (see the drop down menu to the right). 

The college makes many unique, optional opportunities available to our students if they choose to participate. Some of those opportunities include study away, internships and additional programs of study beyond the first major. When a student chooses to pursue these opportunities, the student assumes the responsibility for not only completing any associated requirements, but also for any tuition and fees necessary to complete the additional credits of those options. Augustana College makes every attempt to see that students may complete the undergraduate degree with a single major, within four years (or equivalent for transfer students based on transfer credits), assuming the student makes good choices with the following:

  • stays on track with required courses;
  • does not drop majors they have started;
  • enrolls in courses applicable to the program of study;
  • performs well in the enrolled coursework to maintain satisfactory progress;
  • declares a major at or before the point 60 credits are earned;
  • does not repeatedly drop coursework, fail coursework or repeat courses;
  • stays continuously enrolled every semester;
  • maximizes the use of the annual credits allowed with full time tuition each year.

Many students will find it possible to pursue more than one major and/or additional minors, within their allotted annual credits. However, students who choose to pursue those additional opportunities may experience a need for additional tuition or time to degree completion for those choices. The college and the faculty do not set aside fees, policies or requirements for participation in optional programs or to enable early graduation.

Students are subject to all degree requirements in place at the time they first enrolled, including all major, minor and general education requirements for the degree (except for those who interrupt their studies as noted below). With some exceptions, if degree requirements are changed, students have the option of graduating under the requirements in effect when they first enrolled at Augustana or under a more recent, active catalog. Students should see their department chair to determine which set of major/minor requirements will apply to their degree based on changes to the major/minor during their time of enrollment with the college. NOTE! Students who begin their studies at Augustana College prior to Fall 2024 (20241FA) are not eligible to adopt a more recent catalog unless under the guidelines noted below. 

Students who wish to adopt a new catalog will be subject to all major, minor and general education requirements of the new catalog and must sign a form in the Office of the Registrar at least one semester prior to graduation. Exceptions to this option include changes made by the full faculty that may specify a student's requirements to adhere to a particular catalog, set of newly adopted college-wide requirements or if changes are made to accommodate changes in college resources. NOTE! Students who begin their studies at Augustana College prior to Fall 2024 (20241FA) are bound to their catalog for the total number of credits required to graduate.

In the event that institutional or individual scheduling challenges make it impossible for a student to complete the requirements outlined in the catalog, faculty chairs may request a substitution for a major or minor requirements using the required substitution form. Departments should advise students appropriately to avoid the necessity for substitutions whenever possible. Substitutions need not be an exact replacement for the required course, but the goals and objectives of the substitutions should meet the same goals and objectives of the requirement as approved by the faculty and listed in the college catalog for the year under which the student first enrolled. Requests are routed to the Office of the Registrar for consideration. The Office of the Registrar has been granted approval by the Committee on Advanced Standing and Degrees to act on routine substitutions on routine and regular substitutions requests based on the knowledge and expertise of the Associate Registrar. Unusual requests, or those that do not meet those the spirit of these guidelines will need prior approval of the committee on Advanced Standing and Degrees and/or approval of the Division Dean or Provost. Decisions will be communicated to the student, advisor and chair through email notification within approximately 10 business days or once deliberations are complete.

However, students who interrupt their attendance for more than two consecutive semesters (excluding the summer term) are subject to all requirements in effect when they re-enroll. These students also may be required to complete additional coursework in their major or minor if the department or program chair determines that previously completed work does not fulfill a current requirement. If an academic program (major/minor) is no longer active in the new catalog, a student cannot complete that program if readmitted. NOTE! Students who first enrolled prior to (20241FA) and did not complete their FYI/FYH-102 course, are required to replace this course with a pre-approved substitution. See the Office of the Registrar for the list of approved substitutions. 

Students must earn an average of at least 31 credits per year to maintain satisfactory progress towards the degree (some programs may require more credits). Any interruption in studies or under-earning credits below 31 credits may mean additional time to degree completion. Any student who does not remain continuously enrolled every term/semester, should expect a need to make up those missed credits at a future time with one or more of the following: a) prior approved transfer coursework, b) enrolling in an overload of credits (additional fees apply) or c) extending their planned graduation timeline with additional terms of enrollment. 

Changes in requirements for majors and minors are effective for the new catalog on the first day of classes in the fall semester after the faculty adopts them.

Exceptions to degree requirements or policies are made by the Committee on Advanced Standing and Degrees when circumstances warrant. Students who wish to file a petition with this committee should complete the proper online form maintained by the Office of the Registrar.

The major area advisor and the registrar provide assistance and information to students regarding requirements and progress toward the degree. An audit of progress toward the degree is called the program evaluation and is available on Arches.

STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY: While the senior audit, program evaluation, academic support resources, as well as academic guidance from faculty and advisors are all available to every student at no additional cost, these resources are provided for use in planning only. It is the responsibility of the student to maintain an accurate schedule at all times and pay for all tuition and fees associated with their registration in accordance with all published fees and deadlines. Students must report any printed schedule error to the Office of the Registrar within two semesters. The responsibility for understanding and meeting degree requirements rests entirely with the student.