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Student recital: Emily Jorgenson and Sarah Lisak, flute and piccolo

Emily Jorgenson and Sarah Lisak will perform a recital on the flute.

Senior Rob Williams

Augustana's Williams is lone undergrad presenter at American Historical Association

Senior Rob Williams had the distinction of being the only undergraduate to present his research at the annual meeting of the American Historical Association.

Vike Squad knockout

The Vike Squad invites all students to support the women and men's basketball teams while enjoying rounds of knockout.

RWC Sunday night workshop

RWC Peer Tutors from the Reading Writing Center presents a workshop for students on active reading techniques. Free refreshments will be provided.

Augustana Endowment Society: Ken Brill

The Augustana Endowment Society First Wednesday speaker series will welcome Ken Brill, Augustana Associate Dean.

Augustana Endowment Society: Dr. Monica M Smith

The Augustana Endowment Society First Wednesday speaker series will welcome Dr. Monica M Smith, vice president of diversity, equity and inclusion.

Augustana Endowment Society: The Extraordinary Geography of our River Valley

The Augustana Endowment Society program will be "The Extraordinary Geography of our River Valley," followed by a music "Listen and Learn."

Augustana Endowment Society: 'A Neighborhood History'

The Augustana Endowment Society program will be "A Neighborhood History," followed by a music "Listen and Learn."

Augustana Endowment Society: 'Campus Ministry, Then and Now'

The Augustana Endowment Society will hear from college Chaplain Richard Priggie on "Campus Ministry, Then and Now."

A brief business meeting will follow with a serving of light refreshments. 

WVIK/QCSO Signature Series II: German Giants

WVIK and the Quad City Symphony Orchestra present "German Giants" as one of their Signature Series concerts., featuring Naha Greenholtz, violin, and Marian Lee, piano

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