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Taking care of your mental health and well-being

Give yourself the space, patience and correct information to effectively deal with the added stress that may come with concerns related to COVID-19.

Social distancing and distance/online learning will understandably affect your emotional and mental health well-being. We realize that reactions to a crisis can appear very differently from person to person. 

Things you can do to support yourself 

Limit media exposure. Turn off the television and/or alert messaging on your phone if it is increasing your stress. 

Exposure to media can be healthy or unhealthy. For some people knowing helps to feel a sense of control over the situation, while for others it may add to anxiety and fear. 

Use trusted resources to stay informed. Get the latest information from credible and reliable sources, such as the Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization and Augustana's resource page.

Anticipate stress reactions. Emotional distress is common and normal in the context of uncertainty and anxiety.

Recognize the signs of distress. Stress can present itself in physical, emotional, or cognitive ways. One common response for young adults is a feeling of invincibility and or emotional detachment which can lead to behaviors that may significantly increase risks. 

Some other common reactions include: 

• Excessive worry and having an inability to stop thinking about what has happened 
• Trouble sleeping or staying asleep 
• Ruminating (continuously thinking the same thoughts,)
• Hypervigilance; getting up to check the news or check on family 
• Difficulty relaxing, muscle tension, feeling keyed up or on edge 
• Increased alcohol, tobacco, or drug use 
• Irritability with emotional outbursts 
• Wanting to be alone, difficulty communicating, crying frequently 
• Inability to feel pleasure, feeling detached or numb 
• Changes in energy level.
• Feelings of sadness, guilt, anger, fear, and excessive anxiety. 
• Memory issues, confusion, indecisiveness and decreased concentration

Try different strategies to reduce stress. What works for you may not work for others. It is important to keep at it and try different things such as: 

• Being prepared (e.g., developing a personal/ family plan). 
• Educating yourself about preventive measures
• Talking to loved ones about worries and concerns; knowing that your feelings are normal and others may be experiencing them. Connect with friends and family in novel ways if you’re isolated. Connect with those you feel closest to for support.
• Schedule positive activities. Do things that are enjoyable, even if you don’t feel like it: listening to music, exercising, practicing breathing routines, spending time in nature or with animals, journaling, or reading inspirational texts.
• Taking time to renew your spirit through prayer, meditation or helping others. 
• Taking care of your body. Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, and avoid alcohol and drugs. 
• Get enough sleep. Sleep is restorative and reduces anxiety, helps learning, helps problem-solving, and allows the brain to rest. Even short periods of sleep deprivation can be troublesome. 
• If possible, stick to your usual daily routine. 

Helpful apps and self-care tools

For most people stress reactions will lessen over the first few weeks. However, when symptoms are significantly impacting functioning, becoming harder to manage, or are increasing in severity then there is an increased need for concern.

We encourage you to reach out to Augustana Counseling Services or our director of student well-being and resiliency for a virtual appointment by emailing Cheri Mizaur