Corynn Hanson
Graduation year: 2011
Major: Communication sciences and disorders (CSD)
Minor: Psychology
Activities: Augustana Choir, Chamber Singer, Gospel Choir, Heywire, Crew, ODK, Augustana Photo Bureau, ASSHA, Honorary XATT member, Handel Oratorio Society, Habitat for Humanity, intramural sports
Post-grad plans: Grad school! I’ve been accepted to six programs, but have not yet decided where I am going.
Are you where you thought you’d be four years ago?
Not even close. I was originally a pre-vet major, and switched to CSD at the end of my first year.
Your peak experience?
Probably foreign term. I was able to go to Vienna, Austria, and study music/history, science and psychology in the actual place where discoveries were made. We learned about Mendel and his peas, and then visited the garden where his peas were grown, demonstrating genetic traits when certain plants were bred together. Also, as stressful as it was, my Senior Inquiry. I was able to create my own research project, which was intense, but rewarding.
What did you learn about yourself in these past four years that surprised you?
I can do more than I ever thought I could. I can reflect better than anyone who went to a non-liberal arts school.
Besides your family, who helped you get to where you are now?
My professors, choir directors and faculty advisors. They helped by being supporting, encouraging and by challenging my abilities to push me further than I thought I could go. Also my friends who were/are always there for me.
Advice for this fall's incoming class?
Get involved! The clubs and activities I have been involved in have shaped my college career and given me opportunities and experiences I never would have had otherwise. (Heck, I get to sing in Carnegie Hall this summer!) Not to mention the INCREDIBLE people you meet and lifelong friends you make. Keep an open mind...you never know what will change your life.
What would you like to add that we didn’t ask about?
I am extremely interested in special populations (those with disabilities) and the deaf culture. I want to be fluent in sign language before I have children so they can grow up bi-lingual.
"Corynn has excelled because she was open to new experiences and new challenges. She really has refused to back down from anything and approached everything with a sense of curiosity and fun."