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All Employee Handbook

Introduction and Purpose

This All Employee Handbook outlines policies and benefits that apply to all College employees, including faculty, staff and administrative employees. It is designed to provide information concerning the college’s employment policies, work rules and benefits. This handbook is not a contract of employment with the college. There is a separate handbook for faculty employees and additional policies applicable only to staff and administrative employees is contained in Section V of this handbook. If there is a conflict between a policy in this handbook and the faculty handbook, the faculty handbook policy will prevail. The college reserves the right to revise this handbook as appropriate, at any time and without any advance notice, and to implement changes in policy even if they are not communicated in this handbook.

This All Employee Handbook updates certain policies that were previously set forth in other handbooks and manuals; the policies in the All Employee Handbook are the most recent version of the policy or benefit description. There are some notations in this handbook regarding policies applicable to students and the purpose of those references is for a complete policy reference, but this All Employee Handbook is not otherwise applicable to students unless serving as student employees.

Nothing in this All Employee handbook should be construed to provide a guarantee of continued employment.  Non-faculty employees  at Augustana College are "at-will" employees and are free to resign their position at any time for any reason with or without notice. Likewise, Augustana College may terminate the employment relationship at any time with or without prior notice for any reason not prohibited by law.  Nothing within this handbook or any other college document or verbal communication is intended to create a contract of employment.

This policy of at-will employment for non-faculty employees may not be modified or changed by any Cabinet member, manager or employee of the college other than the president of the college.   The terms of appointment for faculty employees are determined by the Faculty Handbook and annual faculty appointment letters.

Finally, nothing in this handbook prohibits or restricts employees from exercising their rights under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), including rights under Section 7 of the NLRA, such as the right to self-organization, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, or any other activities protected by the NLRA.

Office of Human Resources
639 38th St.
Rock Island, Ill., 61201

Phone: 309-794-7352

Fax: 309-794-8962