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Augustana College Committees

Updated October 21, 2024

2024-25 Committees responsible primarily to the faculty

All terms conclude May 30.



a. To review documentation submitted by any student requesting accommodation.

b. To provide consultation during the admissions process, and written advice where appropriate documentation and request for exception have been made.

c. To establish the reasonable and appropriate accommodations to be given to students on a case-by-case basis.

d. To recommend for faculty approval any curricular substitutions for general education requirements.

e. To keep the campus community updated on topics related to mental, sensory and physical impairments.



Director of Disability Services — Dimitrios Jason Stalides, Co-Chair
Dean of Student Life  — Wes Brooks, Co-Chair

The co-chairs are members of the staff and administration who do not vote.

Four-year: Two faculty members recommended by Nominations and Rules with areas of expertise that will facilitate the consideration of issues related to the function of the committee.

Austin Williamson (2025)
Allison Haskill (2027) 

The two faculty members shall have between them expertise in the interpretation of educational psychometrics as applied to individuals with special needs and their application to educational accommodations. Four-year terms, staggered expiration dates in odd-numbered years.

Two-year: Two faculty members recommended by Nominations and Rules. Two-year terms, staggered expiration dates:

Shaun Edmonds (2025)
Amanda Wilmsmeyer (2026)

Other: Consulting members of the committee will serve on a case-by-case basis (as called by the chair) to help assess and address the needs of particular students.

Consulting members include: representatives of the Psychology Department, the Communication Sciences and Disorders Program, the Education Department, the Reading/Writing Center, Facilities Services, the Director of Medical Records, Chair of EPC, Dean of Enrollment, Director of Advising, Director of Residential Life, and other members of the Augustana community who may offer special expertise.



a. To consider special cases submitted by petition: 

  -Transfer work
  -Requirements for the degree
  -Change of grades and granting extension for incomplete grades
  -Advanced standing
  -Work for private study and examinations
  -Substitutions and waivers to published faculty policy
  -Work from international institutions

b. To recommend candidates for degrees.

c. To recommend changes in policies to the Educational Policies Committee or the faculty arising from its consideration of special cases above.


The Committee meets even weeks of the semester on Mondays from 8:00-9:00 am. There are occasional e-votes or online discussion between meetings for pressing matters. Due to the time sensitive nature of most student petitions, this Committee will meet twice during J-term, if needed.



Registrar  — Liesl Fowler, Chair

Elected: Five faculty recommended by Nominations and Rules (two-year terms, staggered expiration dates):

Pamela Trotter (2025)
Katie Hanson (2025) 
Diane Mueller (2025) 
Ana Borderia-Garcia (2026) 
Andrew Sward (2026)



a. To recommend changes for the continual improvement of holistic advising such as: Learning Outcomes for advising, models of advising, strategies for assessing advising and professional development of advisors.

b. To liaison between faculty advisors and administrative offices.



Associate Dean of Student Success and Persistence, or designee (non-voting) — Kristin Douglas, Co-Chair
Director of Advising (non-voting) —  TBD

Elected: One faculty member from each division. Three-year terms:

Arts and Communication — John Hildreth (2025)
STEM — Jeff Strasser (2025)
Humanities — Deke Gould (2025)
Social Sciences — Karen Aumuller (2025)

Elected/appointed by Nom & Rules

Two at-large members appointed by Nom & Rules based on level of expressed interest including at least one faculty member with at least two years experience advising in the first-year program. The second at-large member should be appointed to ensure a voice for non-tenured advisors and diversity in division representation on the committee. Two-year term. 

Jamie Nordling (2025)
Katie Hanson (2026)

Faculty Co-Chair:  Election from among tenured faculty serving on the committee. Two-year co-chair agreement:

Jamie Nordling (2025), Co-Chair

Integration Representative (such as Res Life staff, Coaching staff, or Student Services) (non-voting) (appointed by Dean of Student Life) — Laura Schnack

Student consultant reps: Two student representatives to be elected by SGA

Katie Frese (2025)
Sifen Tefera (2025)



a. To actively provide consultative services to departments, curricular and co-curricular programs engaged in department or program learning assessment.

b. To regularly engage the college community in conversation about assessment findings and the steps necessary to convert those findings into formative improvements.

c. To educate the college community toward the appropriate use of the IDEA student rating of instruction instrument for both formative and summative purposes.



Institutional Research and Assessment  — Tšooane Molapo
The Director for the Center for Faculty Enrichment (Non-voting) — Austin Williamson
Associate Dean of Academic Strategic Priorities — Greg Domski

Elected: Five full-time faculty members recommended by Nominations & Rules, for a three-year term. The chair will be elected from the tenured faculty currently on or with previous experience on AIC (if current members are unable to serve), to serve a two-year term. If the chair is elected with fewer than two years remaining on the committee, then their appointment to the committee will be extended until the two-year service as chair is complete. Three seats should always be filled with tenured faculty and an effort should be made to appoint them with terms that end with a rotating basis. The remaining two seats can be filled by faculty members at any rank.

Rupa Gordon (2025), chair
Ann Perreau (2025) 
Joanna Short (2026)
AKM Raqui Bashar (2027) 
Jill Potratz (2027) Mike Augspurger Spring PTL replacement for J. Potratz

Co-curricular subcommittee: Each member is nominated by the cabinet member that oversees each of these areas. Co-chaired by AIC chair and one of the co-curricular leaders (nominated by the cabinet member).

Student Life — Chris Beyer
CORE — Lindsay Adolphs (co-chair)
DEI — Ashley Allen
Student Success/Learning Commons — Alex Crawford



a. To recommend changes in educational policies concerning instructional methods, testing and grading, graduation requirements, course of instruction, and instructional procedure.

b. To advise the Provost, when needed, as to priorities in faculty staffing.

c. To appoint sub-committees to study the planning and development of long-range curriculum changes.


Eight elected members,  two from each division, no two from the same Department, at least one tenured member from each Division, all members would be elected for renewable three year terms

Arts & Communications — Peter Xiao (2026)
Arts & Communications —Becki Arnold (2027)

 Humanities — Taddy Kalas (2025), Chair
Humanities — Ashley Burge (2027)

Social Sciences — Ann Ericson (2025)
Social Sciences —  Marty Coe (2027)

STEM — Pam Trotter (2026)
STEM —Scott Gehler  (2027)

Ex officio, non-voting members:

Provost — Dianna Shandy  

Registrar — Liesl Fowler

Vice President of Enrollment — Kent Barnds  

Chair of General Education Committee — Carolyn Yaschur

The chair of the committee must be a tenured faculty member with voting rights, elected by the voting members of the committee. The term of office will be one year, renewable. No faculty member elected to the Educational Policies Committee may serve simultaneously as Division Chair or member of the General Education Committee.



a. Consult and evaluate admissions to review policies, standards, and initiatives of admissions processes as they pertain to faculty involvement.

b.  Audit admissions practices by program, selecting at minimum one program a semester.

c. Work with faculty on innovative admissions events and/or activities that leverage programmatic and departmental strengths and innovative solutions.

d. Work with stakeholders across campus to determine effective recruitment initiatives and retention strategies.

e. Negotiate faculty roles and participation in admissions initiatives and activities.


Elected: Four faculty members, one from each division, for 3 year terms,  staggered with expiration dates, with one to be elected annually as chair by the committee members. 

Arts & Communication — Jessica Nodulman (2025)
Humanities — Jeanneth Vázquez (2025)
STEM — Nathan Frank (2027)
Social Sciences — Dan Corts (2027)

Two at-large members from departments not represented by the Division elected members, appointed by Nominations and Rules for three year terms with staggered expiration dates:

Xiaowen Zhang (2025)
Jake Romaniello (2027)

Advisory: Associate Vice President for Retention and Student Success and Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Management.



a. Advocates for the concerns and interests of the faculty, the academic program, and the mission of the College, particularly representing perspectives of council members’ rank.

b. Serve as a consultative body for the administration.

c. Determines which matters should be taken to full faculty for consideration.

d. Facilitates communication across constituencies on campus.


Ten members elected from the voting faculty: chair and vice chair, two full professors, two associate professors, two assistant professors, two non-tenure track faculty. Should any academic division not be represented in any academic year, a member of that division will be appointed by Nom & Rules for a one-year term.

Humanities — Brian Leech (2025), chair

Chair Elect 
Humanities — Doug Parvin (2026), Chair-Elect

Humanities — Jason Mahn  (2025)
Arts & Communications — Rob Elfline (2026)

STEM — Michael Reisner  (2025) 
Arts & Communications —  Jennifer Popple (2026)

Assistants/Tenure Track
STEM — Shaun Edmonds  (2025)
Social Sciences — Katie Madel (2026)

Non-Tenure Track Faculty
Social Sciences — Karen Aumuller  (2025) 
Arts & Communications — Donna Hare (2026)




a. To encourage formal research and creative work on the part of the faculty.

b. To recommend the policies for evaluation of proposals in order to allocate funds designed to encourage faculty research and creative works (such grants do not apply to work on dissertations).

c. To accept, evaluate, and approve proposals.


Four faculty, one elected by each division (two-year terms):

Arts & Communication — Meg Kunde (2027)
STEM — Ben Civiletti (2027)
Humanities — Eric Stewart (2025),  Chair
Social Sciences — Megan Lorenz (2025)

The chair is elected from among the longest serving members of the committee.

Elected/Appointed by Nom & Rules: One faculty (two year terms)

Kelly Daniels (2025)



a  To carry out the duties associated with the Faculty Evaluation system as described in the Faculty Handbook section 2.5

b  To review proposals for sabbatical leaves as described in the Faculty Handbook sections

c  To review the proposals for sabbatical leaves as described in the Faculty Handbook sections and

d  When called upon. uphold responsibilities related to the faculty dismissal and appeal process as described in the Faculty Handbook sections 6.3 and 6.4.


Provost — Dianna Shandy

Division Chairs (or designated representative):
Arts & Communication — Margaret Morse (2025)
Humanities — Jane Simonsen (2026), Chair 
Social Sciences —Lena Hahn (2028), Allison Haskill sabbatical replacement Fall 2024 for L.Hahn
STEM — Tim Muir (2027)

At large representative — Sangeetha Rayapati (2028)

Advisory: Department Chair of the individual being considered.



a. To work with faculty in the design, revision and approval of courses proposed to meet general education requirements.

b. To assess and review the general education curriculum at the individual course and overall curriculum design levels on regular intervals.  

c. To hold informational sessions and other faculty development sessions related to general education; as needed. 

 d. To make recommendations to the faculty with respect to proposed changes in general education requirements. 

e. To collaborate with working groups housed under the general education umbrella (e.g. FYI, REF) or other committees on campus to ensure that programs and individual courses are meeting general education goals. 


Provost — Dianna Shandy
Associate Dean of the College — Greg Domski
One Reference Librarian, with voting rights, appointed by the Director of the Library (three-year term)— Garrett Traylor (2026)

The chair of the committee must be a tenured faculty member with voting rights, elected by the voting members of the committee. The term of office will be one year — Carolyn Yaschur (2027), Chair

Elected: Four faculty members, one elected by each division, each with substantial interest in and experience with general education (for three-year staggered terms):

Arts & Communication — David Schwartz (2027)
Humanities — Liz Lawerence (2027)
STEM —  Tierney Brosius (2025)
Social Sciences — Alli Haskill (2025)

Three faculty members, elected at large.  Nominations and Rules has the responsibility for submitting nominations to the Faculty for these at-large positions.  Nominations and Rules is expected to select faculty with substantial interest in and experience with general education, including faculty with experience in FYI, LPs, and LCs (for three-year staggered terms):

Carolyn Yaschur (2027), chair 
Tony Oliver (2025)
Sarah Lashley (2026) 

No faculty member elected to the General Education Committee may serve simultaneously as:
Division Chair; Faculty Council Chair; Member of EPC.

Three students, appointed by SGA, who have completed the 1st year FYI/Honors sequence. One of the three must be a sophomore, and one must be a junior or senior. 

Jason Eicher (2025)
Anthony Silva (2025)
Nkusi Monique Izere Nkusi (2025)



a. To approve curriculum of the honors programs, First Year Honors and the Interdisciplinary Honors Minor, and make curricular recommendations to the Educational Policies Committee.

b. To set policies and criteria governing admission to and retention in all levels of the Honors Program. The committee should assess and work to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of the Honors Program, including coursework, staffing, student recruitment and review, and the composition and work of the committee itself. 

c. To review and evaluate candidates for admission to the programs; employing a feedback loop with a representative from the admissions office when a faculty interviewer's recommendation is less than emphatic.  

d. To make decisions concerning a student's status in the program when the student's work is affected by scheduling problems (e.g. study abroad) or compelling personal/medical problems. The committee also considers petitions for partial credit for graduation requirements, making recommendations to the Advanced Standing and Degrees Committee, which rules on all student petitions.  

e. To make recommendations to the Provost as to faculty staffing of the programs.


Director of Honors Program — David Snowball, chair

Two representatives of the current FYH faculty, elected by the current teaching faculty of the program 
Megan Rockwell
Meg Gillette

Two representatives of the current or former 200 and 300-level Honors Minor faculty, elected by the current teaching faculty at that level of the program
Brian Leech
Mike Wolf

Two faculty members nominated by Nominations and Rules (three-year staggered terms), at least one of whom has not participated in the program:

Ana Bordería-García (2025)
Khalil Andani (2025)
Rachel Horner Brackett (2027)

A representative from the Office of Academic Affairs — Xiaowen Zhang
Vice President of Enrollment OR Director of Admissions — Wendy Kelly

There is no student representation on this faculty committee because its main business is staffing and monitoring teaching quality. However, it is recommended that the director seek feedback from the students in First Year Honors and the Interdisciplinary Honors Minor to review and comment on decisions other than the staffing decisions relevant to the student experience. 



a. To consider the rationale for and policies governing all faculty-led or faculty- coordinated off-campus programs and recommend them to EPC and the Provost.

b. To vet program applications presented by faculty for new program models, locations or faculty teams and present approved programs to EPC and the Provost. 

c. To conduct evaluation and long-range planning, and to recommend to the Provost calendars and sites for future programs.

d. To recommend to the Provost faculty participants, faculty directors and/or courses for any faculty-led or faculty-coordinated domestic or international off-campus program.

e.  To promote international studies among students and faculty.

Off-Campus Programs refers to any credit-bearing program in which a significant portion of the program of instruction (trips that last more than five consecutive days) takes place outside of the Quad Cities region and for which additional funds are collected from students by the college.  Non-curricular travel and field-trips within an on-campus course, as well as programs taking place on Augustana-owned properties are not vetted by this committee. 

Any program, course or extracurricular activity which takes students off campus for more than five days, and all programs, courses or extra-curricular activities with international travel should register with the International & Off-Campus Programs office, but only academic programs designed for significant off-campus instruction are expected to be vetted by this committee.


Director of International and Off-Campus Programs (non-voting) — Steven Duke, Chair 

 Thee second co-chair of the committee must be a faculty member elected by the other faculty members on IOPC. The term of office will be one year- TBD (2025), Co-Chair   

Elected: Three faculty participants and/or directors from programs in operation during the past 4 years.  These three must represent three different regions of the world (not including North America) and at least one elected representative must have participated in a program of fewer than 30 students.  All will serve three-year terms.

Joshua Dyer (Alps, PHYS) (2027) 
Mariano Magalhães (Brazil, Soc Sci) (2025) 
Chris Strunk (Ecuador, STEM) (2026) 

Up to three faculty members at large must be appointed to ensure full divisional representation. No previous off- campus experience is required for at-large memberships.

Rajan Bishwakarma (Soc Sci) (2025)
Adam Kaul (Soc Sci) (2026)
Stacy Barton (Arts & Comm) (2026)
Kelly Daniels (Humanities) (2027)

Two students appointed by SGA, at least one of whom shall have participated in a foreign studies program.  (Students shall participate in all discussions except faculty and personnel decisions):

TBD (2025)
TBD (2025)



a. To nominate elective members of all committees not elected by divisions.

b. To conduct Faculty Council elections.

c. To recommend to the faculty changes in faculty representation on administrative committees.

d. To review periodically the committee structure.

e. To consider representation on newly-constituted committees.

f. To make recommendations to the faculty about election procedures and voting privileges.


Elected: Four tenured faculty, one elected by each division (two-year terms):

Arts and Communication — Dawn Farmer (2026) 
Humanities — Mari Nagase (2025) 
STEM — Dara Wegman-Geedey (2026), chair
Social Sciences — Marty Coe (2025)

The chair is elected from among the longest-serving tenured members on the committee.



To serve as a court of last resort for student complaints about unfair grading practices. Cases will be heard upon the recommendation of the Provost only after all other channels have been exhausted (that is, conference with professor, department chair, and Provost).


Four tenured faculty, randomly chosen by the Nominations and Rules Committee, one from each division, on a case-by-case basis. Each committee elects its own chair. The chair must be a tenured member of the faculty.



a. To interview and select Editor(s) in Chief for the Observer

b. To oversee general administration of the Observer and WUAG and address complaints when they cannot be handled by the Advisers.


Advisers to the Observer (non-voting): 
Carolyn Yaschur (chair)
David Schwartz 
Advisor to WAUG: Brad Isbell

Director or Representative of Public Relations —  Nicole Lauer
Editor(s) in Chief of Observer —  Charlie Roiland, Rae Barry (2025)
WAUG General Manager — TBD(2025) WAUG Program Director John Flannery (2025)

Elected/Appointed by Nom & Rules: Three faculty (two-year terms):
Dan Corts (2026)

Stacy Barton (2025)

David Thornblad (2025) 

Four students appointed by SGA who are not staff members of the Observer:

Jack Ellis (2025)
Noah Ehlenbach (2025)
Neleigh Rush (2025)
Jenny Osei Kofi (2025)

The chair is elected by the Committee from among elected faculty. The membership of this committee must be equally divided (as at present) between student members and faculty/administrative members.



aTo plan, coordinate, and assess Symposium Day.


Student Life —TBD
Campus Ministries — Melinda Pupillo
Director or representative from Office of Public Relations — Nicole Lauer, Michelle Opsahl
Career and Professional Development — TBD
Director of Intercultural Student Life — Ashley Allen
Director of First-Year Advising —Ginny Schuette
EDGE student team —(appointed by Doug Tschopp)

Appointed by Provost:

Symposium Day Coordinator — Jason Mahn, Lindsay Adolphs: co-coordinators 

Elected: one elected by each division (three-year rotating terms):

Arts & Communication — Stacy Barton (2025)
Humanities — Liz Lawrence (2026)
STEM — Kelsey Arkle (2025)
Social Sciences — Chris Marmé (2025)

Elected/appointed by Nom & Rules:

Katie Hanson (2025)
Rebecca Arnold (2026)

One student appointed by SGA:
TBD (2025)

One student appointed by Multicultural Programming Board:
TBD (2025)

One student appointed by OSL:
TBD (2025)

Two students appointed by SGA as at-large representatives (should not be members of SGA):

TBD  (2025)
TBD (2025)



The Teacher Education Committee shall:
a. Recommend to the Educational Policies Committee the policies governing the operation of Teacher Education programs

b. Oversee the practices of admission to and retention in the Teacher Education program

c.  (1) Forms a subcommittee to hear appeals from students regarding admission to and/or retention in Teacher Education programs, and (2) hear appeals regarding recommendation for certification;

d. Review and approve all departmental proposals relating to the establishment of, or changes in, Teacher Education programs, before such proposals are submitted to the Educational Policies Committee

e. Make certain that procedures for evaluating the Teacher Education  programs are established and that such evaluations take place regularly.


Chair of the Education Department- Mike Egan, chair

Elected/Appointed by Nom & Rules: Voting membership to come from departments with teaching majors. These departments include:

Music— Michael Zemek (2027)
World Languages (Spanish, French or German) — Megan Havard-Rockwell (2027)
Math  — Stacey Rodman (2025) 
History — David Ellis (2027) 
English  — Katie Hanson (2026)
Science (Biology, Chemistry or Physics) — Scott Gehler (2026)
Art  — Megan Quinn (2025)

Ex officio faculty members:
a.    Director of Secondary Education — Mike Schroeder
b.    Director of Elementary Education — Mike Egan
c.    Director of Field Experiences — Katie Hanson
d.    Representative from Reading/Writing Center selected by the committee chair — Lucas Street
e.    A member of the Admissions staff appointed by the Dean of Enrollment — Kent Barnds

Committees Responsible Primarily to Administration

Committees responsible to the Administration serve primarily as advisory committees for various administrative functions, unless otherwise noted in the Committee Function. From time to time, membership, both permanent and elected, will require modification due to resignations, terminations, etc. Appointments to administrative committees will be made by the President of the College, unless otherwise noted. The President of the College shall have the option to fill any vacancy that remains open after October 1, or after 60 days of vacancy. All Cabinet appointees to administrative committees, including those designated as permanent members, may designate another individual to serve in their role upon notice to and approval from the President. All terms expire at the end of the academic year noted.

1. ACADEMIC TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE (inactive for 2023-24)


a. To provide leadership and advocate the use of technology within the context of teaching and learning

b. To work collaboratively with administration to identify strategic direction for technology within the academic mission

c. To support identified strategic educational technology initiatives through communication and promotion, coordination of resources, workshops, outside speakers, grant opportunities and more

d. To provide a forum for insight into the many aspects of how faculty would like to use classrooms and other spaces in terms of fixed technology, mobility, device support and more.


Faculty Development  — Greg Domski, Co-Chair
CIO — Chris Vaughan, Co-Chair
Director of the Library or designee — Chris Schafer
Educational Technology Manager — Shawn Beattie
Director of the Center for Faculty Enrichment — Eric Stewart

Three-year term appointed by the Provost:

TBD (2025)
TBD (2025)
TBD (2025)



A group of faculty, administrators and staff assembled to hear formal charges of harassment and discrimination, and if necessary, make recommendations on appropriate sanctions.


Permanent: General Counsel (Sheri Curran), and Title IX Coordinator, co-chairs

Appointed: A minimum of four staff and administrators appointed by the President of the College for a three-year term.

W. Kent Barnds (2024)
Anna Castro (2024)
Brad Foley (2026)
Liesl Fowler (2024)
Rita Gustafson (2026)
Michelle Mason (2024)
Karen Peterson (2024)
Amanda Tumbarello (2026)
Karen Sheraden (2026)
A minimum of two tenured or tenure track faculty members appointed by the President of the College for a three-year term.

Mike Egan (2024)
Kevin Geedey (2026)
Amanda Wilmsmeyer (2026)
Olivia Melton (2024)



a. To review athletic matters relating to intercollegiate athletic and extramural athletics for both men and women, including compliance with NCAA requirements and budgeting matters,  and to make recommendations accordingly.

b. To review and approve game schedules.


Faculty representative to College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin — Kimberly Murphy, Chair
Director of Athletics — Michael Zapolski
Co-Senior Woman Administrators — Kris Kistler and Kelly Bethke
Dean of Students — Wes Brooks
Dean of Enrollment — Kent Barnds
Associate Director of Admissions — Eric Rowell

Elected: Four faculty, two men and two women appointed by Nom & Rules (two-year terms):

Jeff Mettler (2026)
Lisa Szafran (2026)
Mark Safstrom (2025) Mike Scarlett, spring sabbatical replacement for M. Safstrom
Meg Kunde (2025)

One men's coach appointed by the men coaches — Greg Wallace
One women's coach appointed by the women coaches — Kelly Bethke

A male representative appointed by the Student Athletic Advisory Committee
TBD (2025)
A female representative appointed by the Student Athletic Advisory Committee
TBD (2025)



To advise and make recommendations to the President and the Cabinet on matters regarding employee benefits.


Director of Human Resources — Mindy Zumdome
Assistant Director of Human Resources — Cristina Rios
Chief Financial Officer & V.P. of Finance and Administration — Kirk Anderson, Chair

Elected by Nom & Rules: Appointed to three-year staggered terms and renewable: one member representing each of the following:

Tenured Faculty — Joanna Short (2025)
Non-Tenured Faculty — Brooke Randazzo (2026) Anne Earl, fall PTL replacement for B. Randazzo
Faculty Liaison from Faculty Council — Brian Leech (2025)

Other Appointments:

Administration — Michelle Opsahl (2027)
Clerical Staff — Cindy Schroeder (2025)
Facilities Staff — Trisha Morrison (2027)
Dining Services Staff  — Sarah Carter (2024)

Non-voting members:

Scribe/Notetaker — Tyler Kinney



To advise the President and Administration regarding priorities for budget building and the allocation of the financial resources of the College.


President of the College (Ex Officio Member) — Andrea Talentino
Chief Business and Financial Officer — Kirk Anderson, chair
Provost — Dianna Shandy
Vice President of Advancement — Jon Enslin
Dean of Enrollment — Kent Barnds
College Chaplain — Rev. Melinda Pupillo
Dean of Students — Wes Brooks

Elected: Two faculty nominated by Nominations and Rules, at least one of whom has an accounting background, and at least one of whom is tenured. Three-year terms.

Andrew Sward (2025) 
David Thornblad (2026)

Four from the non-academic staff (two-year terms):

Secretarial-Clerical — Michelle Heinrichs (2025)
Middle Administration — Jacob Bobbitt (2025)
Facilities Services — Robert Lanzerotti (2025)
Food Service — Fred Kurt (2025)

SGA President — Neleigh Rush
SGA Vice President — Tsion Nigate



The Committee is the campus-wide advisory group on environmental sustainability issues advising the administration on the following:
a.  Provide analysis of sustainability issues related to the college's operations.

b.  Provide analysis of sustainability issues regarding campus construction projects (new buildings and renovations of existing buildings).

c.  Facilitate campus-wide discussion of environmental and sustainability issues and raise campus awareness of these issues through community events and convocations as well as other programs that challenge all members of the Augustana community to reduce their environmental footprint.

d.  Coordinate, promote, and expand campus recycling programs and other environmentally responsible programs with Facilities Services.

e.  Coordinate and promote student awareness of personal environmental responsibility with Residential Life and other offices of the Dean of Students.

f. Provide recommendations to the administration regarding future campus environmental and sustainability policies.

g. Advise the faculty, while respecting shared governance, about integrating issues of environmental sustainability into the curriculum.

h. Provide leadership in helping to build a consensus within the community for creating a smaller environmental footprint and educating the community about how to achieve that goal.


Campus Sustainability Coordinator - Bob Lanzerotti, Chair
Faculty Vice-Chair appointed by the Provost - Michael Reisner
Administrator appointed by the President - Kai Swanson
Chief Business & Financial Officer - Kirk Anderson          
Director of Residential Life - Chris Beyer

Membership - Elected/Appointed by Nom & Rules: Three faculty members for three-year terms:

Chris Marmé (2027) 
Forest Stonedahl (2025)
Mindy Mahon (2026)

Membership - Appointed: 
One student appointed by SGA -TBD (2025)
One student nominated by a student environmental organization and approved by the President: TBD (2025)


7. Diversity Council


The Diversity Council at Augustana College functions as an advisory working group,
coordinating the college’s diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. The Council’s responsibilities
include analyzing data, supporting cultural programming, highlighting multicultural spaces,
and making recommendations for policy changes that promote an inclusive and welcoming
environment fostering a sense of belonging across the campus community. The Council's
members represent campus leadership, administrative staff, faculty, and student government,
ensuring a comprehensive approach to diversity initiatives.

Chair: The Vice President, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 

Annual Goals for 2024-2025 Academic Year

1. Update Diversity Council objectives and clarify the purpose of the existence of this
2. The council will evaluate and contribute to the selection of the MLK Day speaker, while
also providing support in promoting the event and encouraging campus-wide
participation for the 2024-2025 academic year.
3. Analyze data from the Spring 2024 International Student Survey, alongside qualitative
insights gathered by the Student Government Association (SGA) and the Center for
Faculty Enrichment (CFE). Present these findings to the President's Cabinet with
recommendations aimed at ensuring a smoother transition for incoming international
students to Augustana College.
4. Provide support to the Division of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion and the offices under its
oversight in raising awareness about ongoing campus diversity, equity, and inclusion


Permanent members:

● Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion — Gauri A. Pitale
● Academic Affairs — Greg Domski
● Admissions — Liz Nino
● Campus Ministries — Pastor Melinda Pupillo
● Civil Rights & Title IX — vacant
● Careers, Opportunities, Research, & Exploration (CORE) - Laura Kestner-Ricketts &
Keri Bass
● Dean of Students — Wes Brooks
● Human Resources — Mindy Zumdome
● Institutional Research — Tšooane Molapo
● Office of International Students and Scholar Services — Xong Sony Yang
● Office of Student Inclusion and Diversity — Ashley Allen
● Retention & Student Success — Kristin Douglas

Appointed members:

● One administrator from either Food Services or Facilities - vacant

Student Government Association (SGA) Representatives
● Tsion Nigate - Vice President, SGA
● Fatima Martinez Gallegos - Senator, SGA

Elected Faculty members:

Three members of faculty, recommended by Nominations and Rules (staggered 3-year terms). End of each term is May 31st.

● M. Wolff (2025)
● Chris Marmé (2026)
● Cathy Webb (2027)

Invited Members
● Michael Schroeder — Professor of Education
● America Colmenares — Assistant Professor of Spanish



To determine and evaluate faculty concerns and priorities regarding the planning, development, and use of campus facilities and to convey them to the Administration and Board of Trustees.


Vice President of the College — Kent Barnds, Chair
Chief Business and Financial Officer — Kirk Anderson
Chair of the Faculty Council — Mariano Magalhães

Elected: Four faculty, representing an area of campus and nominated by Nominations and Rules (three-year staggered terms).

Amanda Baugous (Evald) (2025) Evald, Lindberg, Carver, Sorensen, Gerber Center, Library
Margaret Morse (Bergendoff) (2025) Bergendoff, Abbey House/Art Annex, Centennial Hall, Brodahl 
Mike Wolf (Swenson) (2027) Olin, Swenson, Hanson Science, Planetarium
Ana Borderia-Garcia (Denkmann) (2027) Old Main, Denkmann, Brunner Center

Three students appointed by SGA:

TBD (2025)
TBD (2025)
TBD (2025)



To review and investigate allegations of academic misconduct.


Permanent- Non-voting:

Associate Dean — Greg Domski
Coordinator — Patrick Crawford (chair)

Elected: Three faculty, nominated by Nominations and Rules (three-year staggered terms):

Katie Brown (2025)
Brooke Ranzazzo (2026) Mindy Mahon, fall PTL replacement for B. Randazzo
Mary Ellen Biggin (2027)

10 students (one selected to be chair, either junior or senior): In selecting members of the Honor Council, the Council should aim for balance between members of the senior, junior, and sophomore classes. There will be three officers of the Honor Council: a chair, a vice chair, secretary. A junior or senior member will be the chair, and student members will be the vice chair and secretary.

TBD (2025) TBD  (2025)

TBD (2025), Co-Chair 
TBD (2025), Vice-Chair
TBD (2025), Secretary
TBD (2025)
TBD (2025)

TBD (2025), Co-Chair
TBD (2025)
TBD (2025)



a. To monitor the permanent endowment that was established in 1982 to support special programs in the humanities.

b. To solicit proposals for speakers and field trips that are designed to provide student and faculty enrichment opportunities in the humanities.

c. To evaluate proposals for funding.

d. To prepare a yearly report of funding that is distributed to the faculty.



The Division Dean of Humanities and also chairs the committee: Umme Al-Wazedi (2025) 

Elected: (Elected by the following three divisions for a three-year term)

Arts & Communication — Maria Hannah (2027)
Humanities — Ana Borderia-Garcia  (2027)
Social Sciences — Paul Baumgardner (2025)



To supervise and implement the guidelines of the IACUC in compliance with the policy and regulations of the Public Health Service as follows:

a. Maintain and enact procedures for self-monitoring

b. Maintain and enact an adequate veterinary care program

c. Maintain and enact an occupational health and safety program

d. Maintain and enact a program for housing and management of animals

e. Oversee appropriately maintained facilities for housing and support


The following members are appointed by the CEO of the organization (i.e., President of the College) for indefinite terms of office:

Ian Harrington, Chair

Institutional Representative — Amanda Wilmsmeyer
One Doctor of Veterinary Medicine—  Roberta Milas, DVM

One individual who is not affiliated with the institution in any way other than as a member of the IACUC — Shirley Johnson

The following members are appointed by the CEO of the organization (i.e., President of the College) from faculty recommended by Nominations and Rules. Terms of office are as indicated.

One practicing scientist from the faculty of a department that utilizes animals in programs of teaching and research (i.e., Biology or Psychology) (3 years)
Dara Wegman-Geedey (2025) Tim Muir, spring sabbatical replacement for D. Wegman-Geedey

One practicing scientist from the faculty of a department who does NOT utilize animals in programs of teaching and research 
Shaun Edmonds (2025)

One faculty member whose primary expertise is in a nonscientific area (3 years)
David Thornblad (2027)

One student recommended to the President of the College by SGA (1 year)
TBD (2025)



a. To interpret and implement the policy on “Research Involving Human  Subjects" (Code Federal Regulations - 45 CFR 46, revised June 19, 2018, effective January 21, 2019.)

b. To review and investigate allegations of misconduct in research conducted at, or sponsored by, Augustana College; and to report all findings and recommendations in these matters to the President of the College. 


Chair: The chair is appointed by the President or the Provost. 
Humanities — Jeff Renaud (2025), Chair 

Administrative member: Appointed by the Dean of Student Life for a three-year term.
Farrah Roberts (2025)

Community member: One community member not currently affiliated with Augustana College, who serves a one-year, renewable term, appointed by the committee.
Eric Welsh (2025)

Student members: (non-voting) Two student members, appointed by the chair, serve one-year terms:
Isaac McConnell, non-voting student member (2025, one-year term)
Sam Vasich, non-voting student member (2025, one-year term)

Faculty: Six faculty (including the chair): faculty members on the IRB, with the exception of the chair, are appointed by Nominations and Rules for three-year, staggered terms. 

In its membership, the IRB committee seeks diversity in all its forms.

At least one member should have research experience that does not involve human participants.

At least one member should have research experience that primarily includes human participants.

Jeff Renaud, chair (Humanities) (2025) 
Dell Jensen (STEM) (2025) (Experience with research not involving human participants)
Jeff Mettler (STEM) (2025) (Experience with human participants)
Megan Lorenz (Social Sciences) (2026)
Lisa Szafran (2027) 
Meg Kunde (2027)

Non-voting specialists: The IRB may, at its discretion, invite individuals with competence in special areas to assist in the review of issues requiring expertise beyond or in addition to that available on the IRB. These individuals may not vote with the IRB.



The sole purpose of the Harold T. Jaeke and Violet M. Jaeke Endowment is to recognize outstanding performance by members of the faculty and staff of Augustana college as reflected in personal leadership contributions that benefit students and the common life of the institution.  The endowment provides for an annual award (or awards) that will recognize and honor individuals who in the judgement of the selection committee reflect exceptional qualifications of this nature.



Provost — Dianna Shandy, Chair
Vice President of Advancement (Ex Officio) — Jon Enslin

Elected: Eight Faculty (2 per division) (no more than a three-year term)

STEM — Kevin Geedey (2025)
STEM — TBD (2025)
Arts & Communication — David Schwartz (2025)
Arts & Communication — Jessica Nodulman (2025)
Humanities — Umme Al-Wazedi (2025)
Humanities — Nirmala Salgado (2025)
Social Sciences — Jill Potratz (2027)
Social Sciences — Mariano Magalhães (2027)

One representative from Food Service (no more than three-year term and approval of the President of the College):

Fred Kurt (2026)

One representative from Facilities Services (no more than a three-year term and approval of  the President of the College):

Trisha Morrison (2026)

One representative from Secretarial-Clerical staff with approval of the President of the College:

Rhonda Vogel (2026)

One representative from Admin staff with approval of the President of the College:

TBD (2026)

Two senior students among those possessing the highest grade-point averages as of the conclusion of their junior year:

TBA  (2025)
TBA  (2025)

14. RETIREMENT PLAN COMMITTEE (formerly Investment Review Committee)


To provide fiduciary oversight for the College’s retirement plan and associated account and investment options. Advise the College Treasurer on issues and recommend changes. Members appointed by Human Resources Department.


V.P. of Finance & Administration — Kirk Anderson
General Counsel— Sheri Curran
Director of Human Resources— Mindy Zumdome
Assistant Vice President for Business Affairs & Controller — Jacob Bobbitt
Assistant Director of HR — Cristina Rios

Members appointed by Human Resources Department:
Administration — John Cage
Two Faculty — TBD (2025) and TBD (2025)
Consultant — Bill Karsten – PlanPilot



To uphold and enforce the Augustana Code of Social Conduct.  Its authority shall be exercised in such a way as to instill a strong sense of self-discipline within the Augustana student.  The Student Judiciary's decisions shall not be merely punitive, but rather guidelines along which delinquent students might re-orient themselves according to the standards of the student community of which they are a part.  Keeping the best interests of the student body in mind, the Student Judiciary shall also serve in an advisory capacity in order to aid offenders in recognizing the seriousness of their offenses and the need for a re-evaluation of their actions.


Dean of Student Life or designated representative — Wes Brooks
Two administrative members appointed by the President (two-year term):
TBA (2025)
TBA (2025)

Elected:  Four faculty (two-year terms) nominated by Nominations and Rules:

Rebecca Arnold (2025)
Jeanneth Vázquez (2025) 
Todd Miller (2026)
Mariano Magalhães (2026)

Seven students appointed by SGA:
TBD (2025)
TBD (2025)
TBD (2025)
TBD (2025)
TBD (2025)
TBD (2025)
 TBD (2025)
Two alternates:
TBD (2025)
TBD (2025)      
The Dean of Students or appointed representative shall be present at the meetings and shall serve in a non-voting advisory role.



a.    To ensure student success and persistence best practices are implemented throughout campus

b.   To ensure college policies set conditions for success

c.    To initiate strategic changes to improve overall retention and graduation rates

d.   To provide summaries to Retention Executive Committee

e.   To advise senior administration on policy matters and other retention-related issues


Associate Dean of Student Success and Persistence — Kristin Douglas, Chair
Associate Dean and Vice President of Student Life, Leadership & Engagement — TBD
Director of Residential Life (or appointee) — Chris Beyer
Director of Athletics — Mike Zapolski
Director of Multicultural and International Student Life — Xong Sony Yang
Registrar — Liesl Fowler
Director of First-Year Advising — TBD
Director of Advising — Mary Windeknecht
FYI Coordinator — Farah Marklevits
Institutional Research — Tšooane Molapo
Coordinator of Student Success Services (or appointee from Learning Commons) — Alex Crawford

Elected: Two faculty members to be appointed by Nominations and Rules (three-year term)
Jamie Nordling (2026)
Maria Hannah (2027)



To review matters related to student life, including academic standing, problems of discipline, questions concerning housing and student organizations, and to develop and recommend policy changes concerning these various aspects of student life. College policies related to these activities are interpreted and enforced by this committee. The power of the faculty to expel students for cause shall be exercised through this committee.


Dean of Student Life — Wes Brooks, Chair
Associate Dean of Students — Laura Schnack
Director of Records — Liesl Fowler

Elected: Four faculty (two-year terms) nominated by Nominations and Rules:

Paul Baumgardner (2025) 
Dawn Farmer (2025)
Michelle Crouch (2026)
Forrest Stonedahl (2026)

Four students appointed by SGA:

TBD (2025)
TBD (2025)
TBD (2025)
TBD (2025)



a.   Ensure programming, policies, and processes align with the mission statement of the Augustana College Teaching Museum of Art

b.   Provide input on areas of foci and approved uses of permanent collection, consistent with the mission of the museum.

c.   Provide input on program plan (including the schedule of exhibitions) for each academic year.

d.   Review and advise the president’s cabinet concerning budgets and budget priorities.

e.   Periodically review collection and, following museum policies, make accession and deaccession recommendations to appropriate person or body.


Chair, selected by the President — Michael Zemek, Chair
Advancement representative, selected by Vice President of External Relations — Lori Roderick
One or two alumni or friends appointed by the President — George Olson (inactive), Veronica Smith
One administrator/faculty member with general collections experience, appointed by the Provost — TBA
Director of the Teaching Museum of Art, permanent member — TBA
Two faculty members each from Art Department, representing two different programs — Graphic Design, Studio Art, Art History, selected by the department (three-year terms)

Margaret Morse (2024)
Megan Quinn (2023)

Four faculty members from other departments representing at least three different academic divisions, appointed by the Provost (three-year terms)

TBD (2024)
TBD (2024)

TBD (2025)
TBD (2025)