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Finishing Strong: finals prep workshop

Starting Strong is a workshop that covers study strategies to help maximize the time spent studying to help make recalling the information easier and therefore increase course success.

Staying Strong: motivation and procrastination

Starting Strong is a workshop that covers study strategies to help maximize the time spent studying to help make recalling the information easier and therefore increase course success.

Augustana rugby vs. Irish rugby

The joint Augustana/St. Ambrose rugby club will take on the Irish rugby club.

World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department major/minor celebration

The Augie World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department hosts a major and minor declaration bonfire with hot chocolate and tea.

Blood drive

The Greek Council and Office of Student Life hosts a blood drive. 

See available appointment times.

Academic skills workshops: Starting Strong: Study Strategies

Starting Strong covers study strategies to help you maximize the time spent studying so that you can more easily recall the information later and be more successful in your courses.

Other upcoming Learning Commons workshops:

Centennial Hall with students

Augustana announces innovative spring visit schedule

Augustana College has launched a spring visit schedule for 2022 with unique virtual and in-person events, plus a grant of $500 for visitors to campus who enroll.

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