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J-term programs eligible for grants

Did you see a J-term program at last week's Study Abroad Fair that sounded interesting?

Students who apply before the end of the first week of April, will be considered for the Passport Grant, a $1,000 award for students joining short-term programs abroad.

To apply, use Studio Abroad. Select the program of your choice under the label of J-term and apply by entering your userID (no domain) and your network password.

Summer 2022 programs

Paris: American Writers

Introduction to Literature in Ireland

Spanish in the Andes

Academic year 2022-23

Montana, Land, Culture and People

Innovation in the Alps: Music and Science

Cambodia: Service Learning

Scandinavia, Health and Wellness

Guatemala: Children Psychology

England: Developing British Nationhood

France and Music in Paris

Leipzig, Germany: Neuroscience and Mind

Louisiana, New Orleans: Water and Env. Justice

Mojave Desert California: Geology

China: Culture and Politics

Mexico: Creative Writing

London: Cyber Security

Amsterdam: Drawing in the land of Van Gogh

Morocco: Culture and Psychology

If you have news, send it to! We love hearing about the achievements of our alumni, students and faculty.